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Sofy Kiyora

SOFY Kiyora SOFY Kiyora

Lasting cleanliness! Always keep your underwear clean. Taking care not only of your outward appearance, but also what is out of sight elicits a woman's confidence and radiance. New habit for beautiful you, "Kiyora". Why don't you start this new habit? Lasting cleanliness! Always keep your underwear clean. Taking care not only of your outward appearance, but also what is out of sight elicits a woman's confidence and radiance. New habit for beautiful you, "Kiyora". Why don't you start this new habit?

2 features of Kiyora that you could choose 2 features of Kiyora that you could choose

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Discharge is an important barometer for understanding your body.

Discharge refers to uterine and vaginal mucous secretions. It is closely related to female hormones and is an important barometer for gauging whether hormones are actively being secreted. It plays an important role in protecting the female body by keeping the vagina moist and preventing germs and other matter from entering the uterus. The amount and state change according to a woman’s cycle, so you should get to know your own body’s patterns.

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